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Dentistry Procedures and Dental Radiographs

Like humans, pet’s require dental care.

Did you know that dental disease is the most common clinical condition among our pets. 80 % of dogs and 70 % of cats have dental disease by 3 years of age. 1 in 3 pet owners think bad breath is normal in pets.

Your pet’s dental care starts at home. Brushing your pet’s teeth on a regular basis can assist in promoting your pet’s oral health. There are pet specific pet toothpaste that you can use (do NOT use human toothpaste on your pet’s teeth as it can be toxic to pets), as well as dental specific food and treats. Ask us how you can preserve your pet’s oral health to avoid dental surgeries down the road.

At the Sangudo Veterinary Clinic, we provide dental procedures to ensure your pet’s dental health is looked after.  To ensure your pet is as safe and comfortable as possible, we perform dental procedures and radiographs while your pet is under anesthesia. This reduces their stress while we perform a complete dental examination and clean your pet’s teeth, as well as extractions if deemed necessary by your veterinarian.